October 17, 2013
Marshall County REMC Chooses Futura
Marshall County REMC Chooses Futura GIS and Stake
Marshall County REMC in Plymouth, IN, has chosen the Futura Geographic Information System (GIS), Futura Staking.
As part of its commitment to providing reliable, cost-effective electric service, Marshall County REMC has always sought to make software investments that seamlessly integrate with their existing systems and provide the greatest value for the cooperative’s member/owners. By choosing the Futura GIS and Staking software, Marshall County will now be able to enjoy all features of this powerful core-Esri software – including being able to post staking jobs directly into FuturaGIS, layer data and facilitate time management and other operational efficiencies with configurable skins, ribbons and toolbars. “This ‘next step’ software will not only provide us detailed system mapping and solid integration with our existing Consumer Information Software but also better system engineering modeling and longterm planning,” said President/CEO Mark Batman.
Futura GIS is used by 175 electric utilities for electric utility mapping and asset data management. The powerful yet easy-to-use software is core-ESRI. It is unique in its capability to create and maintain the data required for a detailed electric network circuit model while integrating CIS information seamlessly. Futura GIS provides the data capture, management and display capabilities that a utility needs to maximize the many benefits of using GIS.
About Marshall County REMC
Marshall County REMC, headquartered in Plymouth, IN, is a member owned rural electric cooperative established in 1936. The cooperative provides electric service to over 7,000 residential, farm and businesses. Learn more at: www.marshallremc.com.