Futura Systems Email Signature Builder

  1. Enter Applicable Information
  2. Click cursor inside dotted box
  3. Edit >> Select All
  4. Edit >> Copy All
  5. Paste it into your email client signature box*

* Each client is different.

Futura Systems {{name}} {{title}} {{phone}} {{urldisplay}}
{{announcementText}} {{announcementText}}

**optional: not needed for above Outlook instructions

Outlook 2016/2013/2010

  1. In Outlook 2016/2013/2010 click, File to go to the Backstage view.
  2. Go to Options.
  3. Click the Mail tab and then Signatures in the Compose messages section.
  4. Create a new signature by clicking the New button.
  5. Paste the copied signature into the Edit signature section (Ctrl + V).
  6. Click OK.